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Supporting Conservative Causes ~ Good Governance ~ Grassroots

Supporting Conservative Causes ~ Good Governance ~ Grassroots


COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite

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Fighting For Conservative Causes

Fully engaged in the efforts to make our Texas House members more responsive to we, the grassroots Constitutional ​Conservative activists. Our elected officials need to know we expect action on Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Legislative ​Priorities. We must continue our efforts to get the Speaker elected by the Republican caucus, rather than a coalition of ​Democrats and the most moderate Republican representatives. The appointment of Democrats to important House ​Committee Chairmanships is a practice that needs to be terminated. Let our tax money follow the child; we need ​comprehensive school choice for all. We need to close: 1) the loopholes permitting election fraud and 2) our porous ​southern border 3) open Republican primaries. Let’s bring an end to the sexualization of Texas children in our public ​schools and woke Marxist curriculum. Competition works in business; it will work in education.

Fully engaged in the efforts to make our Texas House members more responsive to we, the grassroots Constitutional ​Conservative activists. Our elected officials need to know we expect action on Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Legislative ​Priorities. We must continue our efforts to get the Speaker elected by the Republican caucus, rather than a coalition of ​Democrats and the most moderate Republican representatives. The appointment of Democrats to important House ​Committee Chairmanships is a practice that needs to be terminated. Let our tax money follow the child; we need ​comprehensive school choice for all. We need to close: 1) the loopholes permitting election fraud and 2) our porous ​southern border 3) open Republican primaries. Let’s bring an end to the sexualization of Texas children in our public ​schools and woke Marxist curriculum. Competition works in business; it will work in education.

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Conservative Christian

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Experienced Grassroots Activist

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Effective Communicator

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Decades of Business Experience

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Harris County Republican Party Involvement

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Republican Party of Texas Involvement

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Sponso​red RPT Fundraising events

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RP​T Finance Committee 2020-2024

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Fiscal Responsibility & Transparency

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America First Doctrine


COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite

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Attended 4 years of State Republican Executive Committee meetings during my wife’s service as SREC Committeewoman. No ​on-the-job training needed. Can be effectively representing the delegates of SD7 from day one.

Consummate written communicator. Upon election, I plan to communicate the major matters discussed in each quarterly SREC ​Meeting to SD7 Convention Delegates and Precinct Chairs in a 2-page bullet point memo, including links to information for ​those who wish to delve deeper into a given subject discussed.

Experience includes 16 years of service as a HCRP Precinct Chairman. Currently serve as member of the HCRP Rules ​Committee. Previously, served for 4 years as Vice Chairman and then Chairman of the Vacancy Committee, interviewing and ​screening prospective Precinct Chairs. Brought into practice a sharing of Precinct Chair candidate’s biographical information ​and not just R and D Primary voting history. Making use of my accounting and finance background, in the prior 2 years, served ​as Chairman of the Accounting Review Committee verifying HCRP income and expenses and cash balances on hand.

Strong background in organizing meet and greet events and fundraising. This past year organized an event for the Center for ​Renewing America, a group working on critical national legislation strategy and staffed by many prominent former Trump ​Administration Cabinet members and staffers including Kash Patel, former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense, and Russ ​Vought, former head of the Office of Management and Budget. Hosted prior events for Mark Ramsey for Congress and 2 years ​earlier for Wesley Hunt when he ran for Congress in CD 7. Recently co-hosted fundraiser for Galveston County Commissioner ​and Texas Republican National Committeeman, Robin Armstrong.

Major financial contributor to: Donald Trump for President; Senator Ted Cruz and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick; Senators Paul ​Bettencourt, Bob Hall, and Mayes Middleton; Louisiana Senator, John Kennedy; Conservative State Rep candidates: Steve ​Toth, Mike May, Kay Smith, Mike Olcott, David Covey, Wade Cowan, John Perez, Wes Virdell, Abraham George, Joanne ​Shofner, Mitch Little, Matt Morgan, and Jared Woodfill; Wesley Hunt, Beth Van Duyne, and Chip Roy, Texas Congressmen, and ​candidates: Cassey Garcia and CD 26 nominee, Brandon Gill; AG Ken Paxton; Republican Party of Texas, Harris County ​Republican Party, My God Votes, Turning Point USA, True the Vote, Center for Renewing America, First Liberty Institute, ​American Center for Law and Justice, Texans for Strong Borders, and Texas Scorecard.

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite


  • Attended all SREC meetings ​except one 2020-2024
  • Served two years on the ​Candidate Resource Committee

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Thank you for your outstanding service to SD7. For as long as I have known you, you have been a stalwart leader for our christian ​conservative cause no matter what political pressures opposed you. It is an honor to get to serve along side you. Keep up the fight!

James Buntrock, SD7 Chair

COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Ralph Fite